Generate and send standardized change notices

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Generate and send standardized change notices


Are you receiving incomplete information in your change and discontinuation notices from your manufacturers or suppliers? Do you want to create a product change notice (PCN) yourself in compliance with the VDMA 24903 standard sheet and smartPCN standard? The AMSYS PCNGenerator helps you to standardize your change and discontinuation management! In combination with the AMSYS Life Cycle Management (LCM) Client, you can start your reactive process immediately and automatically transfer the essential data of product change notices (PCN) and product discontinuance notices (PDN) into a new case to resolve obsolescence issues.


  • In accordance with the VDMA Standard Sheet 24903 and the COGD smartPCN Standard
  • Generate change and discontinuation notices in PDF and digital format
  • Send the generated notice out via email
  • Digitally include your manufacturers and suppliers in the process
  • Receive standardized change notices and start your reactive process immediately


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